DIY Turmeric Face Masks for Beautiful Skin

Beautiful Skin

In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend of Oriental beauty traditions in other countries. While a couple of years ago, coconut oil from Southeast Asia was the most popular, the new year’s trend is Indian turmeric. We’re telling you why you should bring it into your bathroom and why it will make your skin glow. We also give you recommendations for DIY Turmeric Face Masks for Beautiful Skin.

Turmeric is the ground roots of the eponymous plant. For us, it is primarily a spice that is used in cooking, but in many Eastern countries, turmeric is actively used in cosmetology. The fact that this sun powder has antioxidant and antiseptic properties was known in ancient times. It is known that as early as 2500 BC, it was used in India for medicinal purposes and for various ceremonies. For example, brides rubbed turmeric on their bodies before getting married, thus purifying themselves from previous karma. In addition, such use of the spice had a purely practical nature, as turmeric paste perfectly cleansed the skin, improved its color and toned it.

Facial mask of turmeric and honey

Such a mask perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, gives a healthy complexion and acts on the principle of detox products, removing toxins from the upper layers of the epidermis. The only thing that can be a snag is finding natural honey without any additives. It is important that the honey be as natural and organic as possible. Otherwise, it would be easy to get skin irritation and allergies.

How to make: Mix honey with turmeric powder and apply the resulting paste to your face.

Papaya and turmeric mask

Turmeric in tandem with papaya is a great toner, in addition to getting rid of skin inflammation and peeling. In general, papaya is quite often used in cosmetology and is known for its toning, moisturizing, regenerating and detoxifying properties. On top of that, the enzyme secreted from the papaya fruit is known for its excellent brightening effect.

How to make: Peel the fruit, mash it to a mushy state, add to the resulting mass a teaspoon of turmeric and stir it to a smooth paste. Carefully apply it to your face, avoiding the skin around the eyes and leave it to dry (if it is too long for you, remove the mask after 15 minutes, this is enough time to get the effect).

It’s amazing how pleasant, quick and inexpensive it is to pamper your skin at home without overpaying for salon beauty treatments or fancy beauty products. Whether it’s a simple sugar scrub, a handmade body butter, or a turmeric skin care mask, these are all simple and inexpensive self-care ideas that can easily be made at home.

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